Just got back form Tango de los Muertos in Boston... Great.. Influx of emotions, seeing old friends... Making some acquintances into new and close friends... Making some good old friends into mere acquintances. Evolution of my tango experience, along with my life and friendships...
Tired, sore...Filled with bliss non the less.. This is why I love tango...
But here is a question for you.. Do you think these kinds of festivals make us younger or older? I mean, going to bed at 7 am three nights in a row, during a regular weekend, Flying long distances for tango, sleeplessness, aches and pains on my back and feet, blisters... Dancing until I feel like I am no longer dancing, but in some sort of a trans, whirling like dervishes...
Have much to reflect on. Cannot write what I have not yet internalized. Give me some time:)
But I wanted to share this beautiful thing on Youtube. I want to share that with you. 500 years of women in paintings... It is really beautiful. Seeing it made me think a little. Many artists throughout centuries tried to capture the woman in a moment, in a mood, in a mind set. What is beautiful is that their cumulative efforts really truly captures what a woman is. I see my self in every sort of mood in this presentation, ever so changing, some times ugly, sometimes pretty, sometimes shy sometimes promiscuous, sometimes strong and sometimes vulnerable, happy and sad....
Take a look: